Tens Machine — Physiotherapy Machine & IFT Machine
A Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit is a device that sends a small electrical current to a specific part of the body.
These currents are used to relieve pain. Some TENS units is specially designed for use in hospitals or medical facilities and recommend by doctors. This device is easily operated and home with proper guidance.
TENS therapy suppresses hyperalgesia, which is sensitive to pain. Pain can be localized anywhere in the internal part of the body.
What is the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Unit used for?
The TENS unit sends an electrical vibration through the skin. These vibration control pain signals in the body and produce temporary or permanent pain relief. They can control abnormally excited nerves and release endorphins.
What are the side effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation?
TENS therapy is considered almost safe for the home use. In rare cases, the electric current may be too strong for the patient, causing skin burns and irritation so adjust it according to guidance provide in user Manuel.
The effect of TENS on floatation is unknown at this time. Some things to note which we like to mention that pregnant women should not use electrical stimulation for pain relief.
Person with heart disease should be very careful while using this device, and suggestion to person who have skin allergies, using pacemakers, infusion pumps, defibrillators or same kind of devices should not be expose to the current generated by the TENS unit.